The mission of the Oduduwa temple

The mission of the Oduduwa temple

The mission of the Oduduwa temple

Anywhere in Africa, the borderline between culture, religion, and philosophy is invisible because of their way of life that is rooted in virtues and suitable for all human beings. We all drink water, breathe air, we all depend on the earth, the weather conditions, and, ultimately, on each other. The more aware we are of the abstract meaning behind the expressions of nature, the more respectful we can be towards ourselves, towards others, and towards nature. Gratitude and respect together with patience, kindness, perseverance, diligence, and calmness are the greatest virtues. If we live by these virtues, we become a better person and subsequently, a better believer, father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, citizen, etc. This holds true regardless of the colour of one’s skin, regardless of one’s mother tongue, and regardless of any other factor.

This is why our mission surpasses the mere teaching of philosophy, the broadening of intercultural dialog, and the provision of “primordial experiences” through the initiations. Our mission is to enable people to find their way back to their true selves and to nature, to teach them how to enjoy each and every moment of their lives as well to make them realize that they are not born to suffer.

We have linked together three continents; Africa, South America, and Europe – three vastly different civilizations with different cultures but with the common roots of humanity.

Join us in our big family!